UPDATE 2/11/24
NEW PAGE!!! Added a secret SKELETON PIT hidden somewhere on this website...can you find the hidden stamp and escape?!? It's very bare-bones at the moment but maybe I'll be able to add more in the future... Also added a another more interesting button for my site and expanded the other sites page a bit.
UPDATE 2/4/2024
Big update today!! Added an AQUARIUM PAGE and made a new tab to house the other pages like MEAT ZONE or any other fun pages I may make in the future ^_^ Also updated + expanded the toybox page and artworks page, added links to the weekly sandwich rotation, and improved cursor visibility!
UPDATE 1/24/2024
Overhauled the artworks page...now you can ZOOM IN on the images!! Wowwee! Thanks to Zoomooz.js for saving my ass ^_^ Also added a visitor counter and cleaned up the home page, toybox, and MEAT ZONE a bit as well as fixed some formatting issues with large monitors. AND ALSO ADDED A WEEKLY SANDWICH ROTATION!! Won't be able to tell if it actually works until next week but it seems functional for now :3
UPDATE 1/9/2024
Happy belated new year guyz :3 and happy belated birthday to ME!!! Big update today, added some more sound effects and imgs to MEAT ZONE, and made the crow that follows your cursor toggleable finally!! Just click on the perch in the bottom left corner to toggle the cursor pet on/off.
UPDATE 12/21/2023
ADDED SOUND EFFECTS!!!! The navigation tabs now make noises when clicked, as do the tabs in the Artworks page. Also added some more stuff to MEAT ZONE (including a little guy who follows your cursor), fixed some formatting stuff, and added a little interactive button to my toybox page :)
I'm flying to Seattle tonight for winter break so updates will be slower as I have other projects to work on ^^; see you all after break!
UPDATE 12/16/2023
Fixed the zoom function on the toybox page cus it broke apparently...also added a couple more marquees for my stamps and buttons and some other silly little things ^_^
UPDATE 12/14/2023
THE SITE IS NOW OFFICIALLY UP!!! I will continue to edit and add stuff here as time goes on, so please bear with me as I inevitably tweak this webpage to my liking. Sorry this took so long LOL I just can't stop finding new things to add and elements to streamline. Thanks to everyone who wrote in my guestbook even as I was still working on the site, you guys gave me a lot of encouragement :3